We're glad you've stopped in for a visit. Let's get right to the point. This site is about how you can create a healthier life for yourself by making some gradual changes to your diet, at your own pace. We'll talk about exercise and reducing stress a little, but mostly, we're here to talk about food. Eating better, fast and easy. If you're eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) you're likely having some health issues.
We want to help you make some positive changes to your diet that will make you feel better and very likely, improve your health. We call these positive changes "Spiral-Up Health"! We either "Spiral-Up" or we spiral down, depending on what we eat. What we eat DOES make a difference!
We're not medical practitioners, just a couple of people who've had a decades long interest in achieving better health through our own experiments with diet and exercise. For more than 30 years, we've been studying the research into what works and why. It has served us well and we'd like to share that knowledge, because there seems to be a lot of confusion out there. Look around, heart health, diabetes, and hypertension are taking our loved ones away at an alarming rate. Yet in most cases, these can all be prevented or improved by focusing on what we eat.
Are you ready for a change? Willing to experiment with your life a little? We believe that's all it will take to convince yourself that you can change your life in very positive ways. If you're ready, we are too!
We want to help others improve their health by sharing quick and easy recipes that incorporate unprocessed, whole foods.
We believe that eating a mostly plant-based diet of whole and unprocessed foods will help people substantially regain control of their health.
Is to offer quick and easy recipes, made with whole and unprocessed foods, to those who are willing to experiment with their diet.